30 Oct

Road Freight Precautions for Spring and Summer

It’s no secret that during the spring/summer seasons that weather conditions can get a little more intense than usual – especially in the sub-tropical climates that Queensland presents.

If you’re involved in the road freight industry, it’s important to make sure you take care of yourself during these hotter, more humid days. Different risks exist and must be accounted for. In this blog, we will be look at five in particular that you should be planning for.

1. Heat exhaustion

In the depths of summer, heat can be become quite substantial in Queensland. When you’re driving a truck or other form of road freight around for numerous hours, the heat can become overwhelming and lead to heat exhaustion. So make sure you’re keeping yourself hydrated and make use of your vehicle’s air conditioning. The greater the heat exhaustion, the more dangers to your health it can present. Also make sure you’re eating regularly and keeping your energy levels up.

2. Sunburn

Another threat that the hotter conditions bring is that of severe sunburn. A while ago we wrote a blog regarding how severe sun damage can be when not accounted for, so it’s important to remember you need to wear your sunscreen, especially if you don’t have tinted windows or prefer to keep your windows down while driving.

3. Overheating

Particularly hot days can be taxing on vehicles, which means overheating could be a possible issue you may face. As along as your vehicles are maintained on a frequent basis (which they should be when maintained under any good freight company), overheating shouldn’t be an issue you’ll need to worry about. Regardless, though, always keep your eye on your vehicles engine heat gauge and allow your vehicle to rest after long stretches so it can cool down.

4. Rest

Rest is extremely important in the freight industry, especially when you’re dealing with road freight routes that last for hours that run into the double digits. Regardless of whether it’s summer or winter, you need to rest. However, the heat can exhaust you more quickly so you need to be able to figure out a resting system that works during the hotter months. Maybe you’ll take rest breaks more frequently but for shorter amounts of time each. Ultimately it’s what works for you and allows you complete your job as efficiently and safely as possible.

5. Planning for contingencies

The heat is not the only thing that summer brings; it also brings with it the oft-unpredictable storm season. What if floods occur or hail ends up causing damage to your vehicle because it all happened too quickly or while you’re out on long stretches of road? You need to have contingency plans in place so you know what to do if your transport is slowed down or halted altogether due to routes being cut off. Never head off without considering how you will deal with such situations, especially those caused by the ravages of nature.

What other precautions do you take on the road during the spring and summer months in Queensland or anywhere in Australia? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

* Image source: 9comeback / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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