Tag: supply chain

  • 18 May

    Keeping your Cool: How to Maintain the Cold Chain and Avoid Risks

    The cold chain is essential for preserving the quality and safety of temperature-sensitive products, particularly in the food industry. It is a critical component of logistics and transport, as it ensures that perishable goods are kept at the right temperature throughout the supply chain.  However, maintaining the cold chain is not always easy, and there […]

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  • 4 May

    How to Ensure the Safety of Goods during Transport

    Transportation of goods is an essential part of any business, but it can also be a risky process. Goods can be damaged, lost or contaminated during transportation, which can lead to significant losses for businesses. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the safety of goods during transport. In this blog, we will discuss how to […]

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  • 23 Mar

    Benefits of Green Logistics

    Eco-friendly transportation is the way of the future. It’s not just an unrealistic ideal like it used to be, now it’s becoming a top priority for businesses in the transport industry.  Sustainability in logistics is important because the industry accounts for around 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions each year. Logistics businesses are making efforts […]

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  • 19 Jan

    2023 Trends in the Logistics Industry

    In 2022, we saw continued advances in the logistics industry. Supply chains became smarter with real-time data insights, and more companies prioritised sustainability.  Moving into 2023, we predict there will be a greater focus on sustainability and supply chain visibility through the use of cloud-based systems, smart fleet management and the continued use of AI […]

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  • 9 Jun

    The Effects of Floods on Logistics Companies

    The recent floods in Queensland and New South Wales have brought big disruptions to the transport and logistics industry.  Floods can affect logistics companies in many ways, both during the event and in the cleaning-up stage afterwards. In this article, we’re sharing our insight into how floods affect logistics companies.  Disruptions As flood waters rise […]

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  • 8 Feb

    The Effect of Supply Chain Disruptions on Food Businesses

    Keeping the supply chain running smoothly is crucial for ensuring food gets delivered from farm to fork in optimal conditions.  Disruptions to the supply chain, like we have seen during the pandemic, create issues with food shortages, food safety, and slow delivery. This has a huge impact on food businesses from grocery stores to cafes […]

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